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Телефон или почта. Каких девушек стоит избегать Пацаны, записываем Последние записи: А я думал, её запретили Расклад на осень: плюс вайб и плюс еще один.. Nikolai Gavrilov.

Kletsova Natalya Gennadyevna. Zhanabekova Mariya Vladimirovna. Colgate-Palmolive Company, a Delaware corporation. Dairabayev Askar Muratbekovich. Advance Magazine Publishers Inc.

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. In controlled AC drives used on continuous-action mechanisms, which include conveyors, conveyors, cranes, the most widespread are asynchronous motors with a phase rotor, controlled mainly along the rotor circuit using various regulators with low energy efficiency. To improve the energy efficiency of an electric drive based on ADFR, it is proposed to develop a control system that combines the principles of frequency control of the motor along the stator circuit and powering the rotor circuit with constant voltage, which allows the electric drive to be considered synchronized.

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